Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Journey to Haiti - Step 1 - Give it to God

Philippians 4:6-7

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


Here's just the beginning of a story that is unfolding as we speak! First, here's some background information!

College, Fall, 2008: I was nothing close to a Christian. After being invited to a Campus Outreach gathering by my friend, Catherine, I started questioning my true purpose here on earth. What was my mission? Why was I here, at this moment, in the C/O gathering? The coming weeks and months I learned more about what God has in store for those who come to Him. My feet were getting wet with the Gospel, the Truth.

Fall went and Winter came. It was time to head to Atlanta, GA for the Campus Outreach New Years Conference. Catherine encouraged me to attend the conference. I had no idea what it would be like, but I figured the least I would get is to spend time with friends! Boy, was I wrong! The speakers pretty much grabbed my soul, shook it a bit, and returned it to my body. There was a clear image at what God has prepared for me. A life full of sweet treasures and celebrations, but there was one "simple" statement to make to Him. I had to hand my life over to Christ and trust in Him through the rest of time.... "Uhhhh, I have to do what?"

You mean this God that I haven't seen, haven't spoken to in years, wants me?! He wants to care for me!? He wants to love me?! But, WHY!?!? And then a small voice says, "Silly you! I want to care for you, love you, and support you, because YOU ARE MY CHILD! I created you and I knew you before you were in your mother's womb." At that moment, as the congregation was singing and the tears started flowing from my eyes, I look over to Catherine to tell her that I needed to talk to her.

As we sat outside the conference room, with no one around, I told her that I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't be the one to be so in control. I didn't know what I was doing with my life. As if I was a lost sheep trying to find my shepherd. I wanted Jesus Christ to be the center of my heart and be my guidance through my time here on earth. 

I gave my life to Christ that night.

And there it was! The sweetest release of burden and weight lifted from my body. I no longer had to feel in control of my future, I knew God was now in control and He would be the One to guide me through each day. My self-worth is no longer found in the latest fashion, the next Cosmo magazine, or the reality TV show. It is now found in my Creator! How sweet it is to know that the One who controls the universe, not only is, but WANTS to be your guide as well! WHOA!

This is just a tid bit of background information for you. I could really go on and on about what God has done and is doing in my life since that time, but as the posts are unveiled in this blog I plan to enclose God's work in my life in each!


Onto Haiti. Why Haiti? Why now?

I'm not sure I can actually answer those questions in detail. God has put a desire for Haiti on my heart since college (2009/2010). Unfortunately, it wasn't until recently that everything fell into place and the opportunity has come to take action on that desire. If there's one thing I have learned, it's that God is the B-O-S-S. Everything works on His time, His schedule, and His way. Even though I wanted so much to be in Haiti years ago, I had to sit back and wait on God's timing.

I have a heart of love and service (baking, too, but we'll get to that in a bit). In order to love those around me, I enjoy doing service work for them. It can be from helping at work, babysitting, dog-sitting, lawn work, anything that can help them in a time of need. It opens the opportunity to speak of the Gospel.

Colossians 3:24-25 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man,since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."  That's just it, I may be helping the person in front of me, but I am serving the Lord while doing so. I show the work of Christ through my actions.

So this is why I am here. The cost is not free to go to Haiti and serve for the Lord. In fact, the cost is $1,200. That is why I have started Cupcakes for Haiti. I love to bake and what better way to raise funds by doing what I love? I am selling homemade cupcakes and all proceeds will go towards the cost of the trip. Don't like cupcakes? No worries, you can donate if you would like! If you are not in the place to buy cupcakes, nor to donate, please be in prayer for this journey that the Lord has graciously put me on! Please pray that my work would glorify only Him and that each person I reach would come to know the love that Christ offers. The Lord hears every prayer.

If you are interested in buying cupcakes or donating, please send an email to Cupcakes4Haiti2014@gmail.com. I can give you more information regarding prices, cupcakes flavors, and icings to choose from! ** Unfortunately due to high shipping costs, orders from Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and the surrounding areas will be accepted. **

Thank you for being part of such an awesome journey! 

We glorify God by making disciples of all nations.