Monday, September 22, 2014

The week has finally arrived!!

Oh goodness!!! The week is finally here!!! God has been preparing me for this trip for many years (at least 4 years) and the time has finally arrived! We will be leaving Thursday morning at 6 am!!!
I have many many thanks to give for those that have prayed and given monetary donations and other donations for the children of Haiti. Without your persistence, this wouldn't have been made possible. God is so good in every way!
To be honest, I had a hard time committing to the trip, at first. I knew exactly where God was leading me, but to actually do it was another story. For this being my first international mission trip, there was an uneasy feeling that I had, at first. A feeling of the unknown. I prayed that God would make His request clear and that is exactly what He did. He tugged on my heart so much, that I couldn't deny His plan for me.
Along the way and in prayer, God has placed people right where He needed them to be to ease my anxiousness. The advice that has been given, the stories that have been told, and the prayers that have been prayed, only make God's request more concrete.
So, I want to thank each of you for your encouragement and prayers! Without your help, this wouldn't be as easy as it has been! I love each of you and will share stories and photos upon my return!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. - Philippians 4:6

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sidewalk Chalk, Bubbles, and Candy Donations Needed

Hello my friends!

With only 8 days left before we head out to Haiti, we are in need of sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and candy (suckers only) for the children in Haiti. Using these items, is one way we will be connecting with the little ones. Dollar Tree (everything is a dollar) has plenty of these items. If you are able to donate, please let me know!  I am willing to pick them up in the New Orleans and Baton Rouge area! I've a few donations so far, but we can always use more! We plan to visit between 250-300 children while in Haiti and we want to make sure we have enough to go around!

(Most of these items were only $1)

(All of these items only cost $20 at dollar tree)

Beyond thankful for those that have donated by giving us these items, or monetarily, or prayerfully. It is truly something that I can't pay back, but with only God's love on these children. Each of you have given me the strength to go and do God's work in Haiti and to that I say THANK YOU!